IBBSS 2023 – Gala Concert Details Announced
Details have been announced of the free Gala Concert which will close the 2023 International Brass Band Summer School course held at the Great Hall, Swansea University, Bay Campus on Friday 4th August, 7.00 pm.
The concert will feature programmes by the Symphony and Cardinal Bands and will include classics Italian Girl in Algiers, Poet and Peasant, Peter Graham’s Shine as the Light and Paul Lovatt-Cooper’s new work Above and Beyond.
The massed band items will include music by John Rutter with the grand finale being Dvorak’s Finale to the New World Symphony.
Featured soloists will be Cory principal cornet, Tom Hutchinson and International Soloist on Tenor Horn, Owen Farr.

Great Hall
“It’s fantastic for the Gala Concert to be in the wonderful acoustic of the Great Hall with it’s spacious area for all the musicians and the raised seating to allow the audience to have a perfect view too. The venue hosts all the university’s official ceremonies and a few years ago hosted the Welsh Regional Championships.”
Wonderful atmosphere
“The free end of course Gala Concert is always popular with the local community and band lovers, and has a wonderful atmosphere.
They added: “We would like to take the opportunity to thank our principal partner Geneva, as well as the continued support from World of Brass, Rath Trombones, Adams Percussion, Denis Wick, Brass Band World and Kapitol Promotions.
The Course Director is also looking forward to leading the band at the venue, as he added: “That latest news came as another great boost and our thanks go to the University for allowing us to use such a fantastic facility.
There are still a few places available on the 2023 course; for further details contact Alison Childs, alison4horn@btinternet.com
Concert details:
Gala Concert
Friday 4th August at 7.00pm
Great Hall
Swansea University Bay Campus,
Fabian Way,